Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Ever wondered .

Ever wondered ...

How in a few minutes two friends become the worst of enemies ?
How a friend breaks another friends heart in just a few seconds ?
How stupid things can cause stupid reactions ?
How anger corrupts your mind and cripples your decision making just the way how an aroused Male is unable to make proper decisions ?
Have you ever wanted to love someone but can't ?
Ever wanted to be able to help someone so badly but failed so badly ?

Just a few things happening around me lately...

And Joseph , here's a band to recommend to you ,
They're called "Skillet"

They might seem like a heavy metal screamo band to you at first , but ponder on the lyrics , and study their background...

1 comment:

Ian said...

*Likes post, no, REALLY likes post*

Youre really deep Declan, I wish I blogged about that before you haha :D.