Thursday, October 28, 2010

Why pure science is hard.

This will be a blog post on why the rumours that being in the Pure science stream is tough.

At first glance, I thought it would be simple for me, since I always loved science since I was a mere child (As I grew, I had more respect for philosophy though. But science came from philosophy so...).

But after going through 90% of my final year exams, I think there's a couple of reasons why being in the Pure Science stream is tough.

Firstly, when I say that it's tough, I'm not saying that you shouldn't come in, I don't even regret coming here. What I'm saying is that it isn't Form 3 anymore.

I don't have much time so I won't talk about the studying process and the horrible system and all that.

I'll only talk about the exams.

Firstly, it's two weeks of exams. Every paper counts, it's no longer multiple choice, but all essays here and there. Even someone who frequently uses the English language like me has problems with the essays in science. Why? Because Reference books writers don't have the most english literate Authors out there. Hence why my own language skills are slowly deteriorating.

Now the thing about the three sciences is that they might look simple at first glance, but when you reach the end year exam, you'll realize that your old study techniques are not enough, at that comprehension will take too long. You'll eventually have to use memory work combined with your comprehension skills to score well. The worse part is that ONE mistake in your paper 2 and you can lose up to 10-20 marks.

So, stress. I'm not one who stresses alot before exams, but for this term, I definitely did.

Until the point where I fell ill.

Another thing is that usually in Form 3 and below, we used to have plenty of time for our papers, we were able to sleep afterwards and all..

But when it comes to all the sciences... Believe me, your hand wouldn't stop writing until there's around 10-20 minutes left. And in that little time you have left you'll have to use it for checking for careless errors.

I had a flu and was unable to have a good rest yesterday night. I went through the toughest science paper for the finals... The one science subject that I barely studied.

It turned out great.

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